作为 2025-02-27 23:02:54

Alfons Mucha

Lot 16
Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter Jaroslava, 1926
pastel, drawing with black and blue chalk and white ceruse on paper

38 x 30 cm

Lot 16
Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter Jaroslava, 1926
pastel, drawing with black and blue chalk and white ceruse on paper
38,0 x 30,0 cm

€ 6.000 - 10.000
拍卖: 40 天

Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery s.r.o.

拍卖: 13.04.2025
拍卖名称: Art Auction Prague

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Expertise enclosed by Professor Petr Wittlich, dated 23. 2. 2010.
Lot Details
Expertise enclosed by Professor Petr Wittlich, dated 23. 2. 2010.

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